News dall'universo PEC

Glossary and Definition

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Delivery Failure Notice
Anomaly Envelope
Transport Envelope
Certification Data
PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) Provider
Original Message
Acceptance Receipt
Delivery Receipt
PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) inbox holder

Delivery Failure Notice
The delivery failure notice is a message received by the sender in the case of the Certified Mail receiver provider is unable to deliver the message.
For more information, please access the Manuale Operativo.
Anomaly Envelope

When an error message or a message coming from a Non-Certified Electronic Mail has to be delivery to a holder, it has to be insert inside of what it’s called a Anomaly Envelope in order to highlight the irregularity.
The Anomaly Envelope is signed by the receiver’s Certified Electronic Mail provider.


Transport Envelope

The so-called Transport Envelope is a message created by the SMTPS server used by the sender: it holds the Original Sent Message and the Certification Data.
The Transport Envelope is signed with the PEC provider’s key of the sender and it is delivered to the receiver’s PEC mailbox preserving it’s UNCHANGED status to allow the proper verification of the certification data by the receiver’s server.

For more information, access the Manuale Operativo.
Example of a Transport Envelope:





Certification Data


The Certification Data are the group of data that describe the Original Message and are certified by the sender’s PEC provider. The certification data are inserted in several receipts (Acceptance Receipt, Delivery Receipt) and are transmitted to the receiver with the Original Message inside the Transport Envelope.
The Certification Data holds: the date and sending time, the sender, the receiver, the subject of the message, the message’s identifier, etc.

Example of the Certification Data format:




PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) Provider

The PEC Provider is the company – in this case Aruba PEC S.p.A. – that manages the certification domain related to the PEC inbox, as well as the server for the receiving and delivering of messages. It also holds the key used to sign the receipt and the envelopes.

It interfaces, via AgiD, with others PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) providers in order to interact with other PEC holders.

The list of PEC Providers is managed by the Italian Ente Nazionale per La Digitalizzazione Dellla Pubblica Amministrazione (Agid).

The Hash is a unique feature that operates in one direction only (that can not be reversed), suitable for the transformation of a text of arbitrary length into a fixed-length string, relatively limited. This string represents a kind of unique “fingertip” for the plaintext, and it is called a Hash value, cryptographic checksum or message digest.



Original Message

The Original Message consists of the message sent by Certified Mail user, before it reaches the PEC provider’s SMTPS server. The original message will be delivered to the receiver through a Transport Envelope that will hold the Original Message and its Certification Data.


Acceptance Receipt

The Acceptance Receipt consists of the Receipt informing the Certification Data released to the message’s sender from the PEC provider’s SMPTS server (inbox sending server) used to sending the certified message. In this case:
The Acceptance Receipt holds the sender’s PEC provider signature.
Example of Acceptance Receipt (downloaded via Outlook Express):


Delivery Receipt

The delivery point (i.e. the certified message receiver’s sender) provides to the sender a Delivery Receipt in the moment that the message reaches the PEC inbox of the receiver.
A Delivery Receipt will be sent to the message sender for each message receiver to whom the message is designated.
The Delivery Receipt is signed by the receiver’s PEC provider’s key.

There are 3 distinct types of Delivery Receipt:
1) Complete Delivery Receipt

Holds the Original Message and the Certification Data of the receiver’s PEC provider.

2) Brief Delivery Receipt
Holds the receiver’s PEC provider Certification Data and the Original Message’s text. Eventual attached files may be “synthesised” into a respective Hash.

3) Synthetic Delivery Receipt
Holds only the receiver’s PEC Provider Certification Data.


The Delivery Receipt exclusively confirms the delivery of the message into the receiver’s inbox but it doesn’t confirm that the message has been read by the receiver.

Example of Delivery Receipt:





PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) inbox holder
The PEC inbox holder is the person who have claimed the activation of the PEC service, meaning the accountholder of the order.